Tarsal Joint is the foundation of our body. It is a group of joints that forms the arch of the foot. It consist of 12 foot bones; one of them is the anklebone on which the leg stands. This tarsal joint needs the orthotics from under the arch to keep it from falling. If there is no proper orthotics that align the anklebones, the tarsal joint disengages or falls with every step; this instantly tilts the anklebone on which the leg stands. This fallen tarsal joint causes foot deformities, aching feet, misalignment of the major joints of your body; thus, scoliosis develops from the tilted hipbones.
With the proper orthotics that support the fallen tarsal joint to the point of aligning the anklebones, the problems that are caused by fallen tarsal joint start to heal properly. Otherwise, without the proper orthotics, the problems won’t be able to heal properly.
There is a test to check if your anklebones are aligned.